综合信息 学术信息 文体信息 申请信息 社区信息 学校点评
标准化考试: 核心课程在85分以上以及少于十次无故缺席的学生可以参加入学考试,包括数学和论文两部分
申请费: $/次
每年学费: $0/年
国际生比例: 无数据
国际学生申请链: http://bhsec.bard.edu/queens/admission/assessment/

1. If you fit our admissions profile, reserve a seat at our next writing and math assessment. If applying to both schools, you only need to take the assessment once. Please do not register for an assessment at both places. 2. Bring a copy of your 7th grade report card (if applying to 10th grade, please bring your 8th grade final report card) on the day you are scheduled to take the assessment. The report card is for our records and will not be returned to you. 3. Rank BHSEC Manhattan and/or BHSEC Queens on your Department of Education (DOE) High School Application. Remember, if you are applying to both BHSEC Manhattan and BHSEC Queens, you need to list them as two separate choices. The Program Code for the Manhattan campus is M51A, and the Program Code for the Queens campus is Q74B. Click here for more information on the DOE high school admission process. 4. Students who demonstrate strong abilities in their grades and the assessment will be invited to an interview at BHSEC. Not all students will be asked to interview at BHSEC. We will contact students by email if they are eligible for an interview. This is the final step in the BHSEC admission process. Students who are applying from private or parochial schools are advised to speak with your school's principal or headmaster to obtain a Department of Education High School Application. Students may rank up to 12 non-specialized programs/schools on the Department of Education High School Application in addition to the specialized and audition high schools. Please note that students who apply to both BHSEC Manhattan and BHSEC Queens must list these as two separate choices. Please review program/school choices and carefully prioritize the list. We strongly recommend that you seek advice from your guidance counselor and review the NYC High School Directory before ranking programs.