虽说读大学的最终目的不是为了找工作,但是从进入大学开始,就为自己的职业发展做一个完整的规划却是必不可少的。美国找工作是一个持久的拉锯战争,你在大学的每一步都可能影响到你未来的职业,甚至薪水收入。今天我们分享给大家一个非常全面的从Freshman 到Senior每年需要做的To-Do-List。
First Year 大一
1. 了解你自己。留意你最感兴趣的学科,你参加的活动,与朋友和家人谈论职业发展方向。
Get to know yourself as an individual. You can do this by paying attention to the subjects you most enjoy, activities in which you participate, and by talking to your friends and family about career ideas and possibilities.
2. 与你的导师保持长期良好的关系。询问专业,选修课,基本教学要求,学术规则和可能的职业选择。
Develop an ongoing relationship with your Academic Advisor. Ask about majors, electives, general education requirements, academic policies, and possible career options.
3. 积极参与校园活动。这有利于结交不同的人,了解自己,充实自己的简历。
Get involved on campus. It’s a great way to meet people, learn about yourself, and build your resume.
4. 从一开始就保持不错的GPA;如果成绩落后了,将很难赶上。选修不同的课程,了解不同专业后的职业方向。
Focus on good grades from the start;if you fall behind, it can be difficult to recover.Take a wide variety of classes to broaden your exposure to potential career paths.
5. 与职业规划师探讨你的才能,兴趣,个性以及潜在的价值。
Meet with a career counselor to find out more about how your abilities, interests, personality, and values match with potential career paths.
6. 参加一些志愿者活动,为简历增添重要内容。
Explore volunteer opportunities in the community as a method to gain crucial experience for your resume.
7. 建立你的第一份简历。在接下来的大学生活中,随着经历累积以及职业道路更加明确,不断为简历增添新内容。
Develop your first resume and continue to improve it by adding content throughout your college years as your experience increases and your career path gets more focused.
8. 校园内的兼职或是社团活动都可以增加工作经验。要是找到一份对未来职业目标有帮助的工作就更好了。
You may want to work part-time on campus or in the community. This is an excellent way to gain work experience and even better if you can find a job that supports your future career goals.
Second Year 大二
1. 明确知道你希望从学业中获取什么。设定学习目标,并一步步实现它。
Identify specifically what you hope to gain from your education. Understand the planned end result and chart the path which will take you there.
2. 专注于你的专业的课程。别过早把选修课学分修完。
Focus your coursework within your major. Don't use up all of your elective credits early.
3. 向毕业生们索取对于职业生涯有帮助的老师姓名或课程。
Ask recent graduates for the names of the professors and classes which most benefited their career.
4. 与一些雇主进行基本信息面试,以便了解不同行业的要求以及自己可以做的准备。询问雇主们这些方面的问题:职业展望,薪资,对应聘者的背景要求,以及他们自己最喜欢/最不喜欢工作的哪些方面。
Conduct general informational interviews with several employers to better understand different career field needs and what you can be doing now to prepare for these needs. Ask questions about the employment outlook, anticipated salaries, and background requirements for getting hired and what they like best and least about their career.
5. 开始打造你的人脉圈。创建你的领英账户。
Begin to build and develop your personal network. Create a LinkedIn profile.
6. 参加一个与你职业有关的学校社团并定期参加组织会议。这不仅可以为你提供有用的职业信息,还能培养你的团队合作能力和领导能力。在大学期间请坚持做个参与者!
Join a campus organization or club in an area of professional interest and attend the meetings regularly. In addition to providing valuable career information, you will develop your teamwork and leadership skills. Be a joiner throughout college!
7. 继续大一的职业规划,尝试了解目标职业及雇主对初应聘者的需求。做一份你理想职业所需技能的规划。
Continue career planning with a greater emphasis toward understanding the targeted professions and the needs of potential employers for entry level talent. Plan and develop your work experience and classes to match this profile.
8. 提高你的面试技巧,练习面试或者来一场真正的面试。
Develop effective interviewing skills – set up a mock interview in person or do one virtually.
9. 确认五个你今后职业生涯所需的职业技能并且保证毕业时拥有这五个技能。
Identify at least five marketable skills you already possess for your chosen career, as well as five that you hope to develop by the time you graduate.
10. 根据你所选的职业,找到一份实习,协作或是研究的岗位。可以选择在平时做兼职,或是在暑期做全职。雇主们都喜欢有实习经历的学生,而且你也能通过实习来了解这个职业到底是怎样的。
Pursue an internship, co-op, or research position within your chosen field part-time during the school year and/or full-time during the summer. Employers like to see that students have at least one internship while in college, and it will allow you to “try-on” a career.
Third Year 大三
1. 提高你的GPA。课程越来越难,继续专注于学业学习。
Keep your grades up; the classes will get more difficult, so continue your focus on excelling in your studies.
2. 与你专业教授保持良好关系。他们对你将来找工作都有帮助,他们可以给你推荐工作,雇主也会请他们推荐专业里优秀的学生。
Develop relationships with the leading professors and department heads in your major. They will be contributors to your job search, both directly as a referral source and indirectly as employers inquire about the leading students in the major.
3. 尝试去领导一个团队。
Take on a leadership role in a club or organization.
4. 联系你所选职业领域里的专业人士,以便更深入了解面试详情。
Contact professionals in your chosen field to conduct informal informational interviews to learn more about the profession.
5. 参加校园招聘会,了解可能的实习机会,以及毕业后可能的工作机会。
Attend Career Fairs to gain exposure to both potential internships as well as potential jobs after graduation.
6. 调整你的简历,个人说明,以及面试技巧。
Fine tune your resume, cover letter, and interviewing skills as you continue to expand your skills and experience.
7. 规划你大四的课程,确保符合潜在雇主的要求。
Begin planning for your fourth year with your academic advisor and Career Services to insure your preparation is on target for meeting the needs of potential employers.
8. 根据你选择的职业,找一份助理层次或者专业层次的实习。找一份最贴近你以后工作的职务。
Pursue an assistant-level or professional-level internship within your chosen field part-time during the school year and/or full-time during the summer. Attempt to locate a position as close as possible to the type of work you would like to be doing after graduation.
9. 如果还要继续求学,那么确定要读的学校,及早申请(提前一年)。记得申请研究生助学金,还要了解学校的入学考试。
If going on for further schooling, research graduate schools and apply early (one year in advance) and make sure to apply for graduate, teaching, or research assistantships. Study for the graduate school admission tests.
Fourth Year and Beyond 大四及以上
1. 积极参加社交活动,建立对找工作有帮助的人脉。
Activate your personal network, enlisting their support in your job search.
2. 尽可能多修你的专业课程。利用一些选修课来深入学习你的专业,而不要选择与专业无关的课程。
Complete as many courses within your major as possible. Use available electives to further your educational experience within your chosen field, rather than taking non-related classes.
3. 争取毕业时在你的职业方面达到专业水平。
Pursue professional-level work experience part-time during the school year.
4. 如果你还没有工作经验,从志愿者做起。志愿者工作也算是经历。
If you have not yet acquired work experience in your chosen field, offer your services as a volunteer. Volunteer experience is still experience!
5. 在你的专业方面指导一些特殊的项目。
Direct any special projects within your major toward your chosen field or profession.
6. 准备你的工作搜索并且准备申请材料。
Prepare for your job search early and have your job application materials ready.
7. 及早报名校园面试。
Sign up for on-campus interviews as early in the year as possible.
8. 学习怎样去找工作,可以利用学校职业辅导部的资源。
Learn how to prepare for your job search—utilize the resources in Career Services.
9. 准备至少三封推荐信,与辅导员,主任,教授等推荐人交谈。
Obtain at least three letters of reference, and talk to advisors, supervisors, and professors about being listed as references.
10. 参加校园招聘会去了解毕业后不同的机会。
Attend Career Fairs to gain a better understanding of the types of opportunities available after graduation.
11. 及时更新你的简历。
Fine-tune your resume for graduation and keep updating it as a work in progress.
12. 最后一年,越早面试越好。大部分好的岗位在秋季和冬季学期就招满了。
Begin interviewing as early as possible in your final year. Many of the best positions are filled during fall and winter term!
13. 学习怎样评估你的工作录取和谈判工资。
Learn how to evaluate job offers and negotiate salary before you receive a job offer so that you can effectively negotiate the best possible.