1. 我们学校与下列机构进行合作,请有兴趣申请的学生任意选择一个进行咨询:
1) CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange 300 Fore Street Portland, ME 04101 USA Phone: 1-207-553-4046 Fax: 1-207-553-5046 www.ciee.org
2) Edu-Link Group USA Ms. Gina Ko Director of International Programs 17 Arcadian Ave. Suite 207 Paramus, New Jersey 07652 Office: 201-845-9322 Fax: 201-845-9353 gina@theedulink.com
3) The Cambridge Institute of International Education info@thecambridgeinstitute.org www.thecambridgeinstitute.or
2. 申请要求 英语能力证明:S.L.E.P/ Junior TOEFL Skype 面试 完整的申请表 近三年的成绩单